7 Unique Virtual Conference Activities & Entertainment Ideas

Conferences are a time to expand your mind as well as your Rolodex (if anyone has those anymore!). But they can also drag on, especially when they’re virtual: It’s hard to stare at that little screen all day! But with these 7 unique virtual conference activities and entertainment ideas, your attendees will be rarin’ for more!

Virtual Chocolate Tasting

Virtual chocolate tasting in New York, NY

Everyone loves chocolate! Chocolate Noise sends each attendee their own personal stash of artisanal chocolate bars, then leads the group through a guided tasting of each one. With our chocolate experts, you’ll learn where chocolate comes from, how it’s made, and how to taste like you’re a pro yourself! You’ll also be giving back: We only feature ethically sourced chocolate, and we also work closely with communities in the U.S. and in cacao-growing regions, contributing to social justice projects across the world.

Digital Live Scribe

Ever been in a meeting and had trouble keeping up with all the information the experts are rattling off? That’s where digital live scribes like Scribble, Inc. come in: They “transcribe” the ideas from spoken word to illustration and cartoon, making them come to life for all sorts of different types of learners.

Virtual Trivia

Get some friendly competition going with trivia! With free platforms like Kahoot, you can even create your own questions tailored to the topics of your specific conference. It will have your attendees engaged and getting to know one another in no time.

Virtual Yoga 

Get your attendees moving with a virtual yoga session guaranteed to wake them up! First thing in the morning calls for sun salutations and other active poses, but no matter what time of day it is, YogaHub is guaranteed to recharge your guests so that they can do their best thinking at those important meetings!

Virtual Improv

Whether you’re looking for guests to watch a show led by experts or to get into the action themselves, improv is a fun way to bring interactivity and lightheartedness to any conference. The folks at Second City practically created improv in the first place, so you know you’re good hands with them.

Virtual Terrarium-Making

Yes, we said terrariums! These tiny but mighty plant installations will brighten your guests’ day as well as their home for years to come. Whether it’s in a round globe or an upcycled wine bottle, attendees will get to place succulents and other greenery in a pleasing way, with the help of the experts at Terrarium Therapy, of course.

Virtual Concert

From joining an already-planned rock show or commission your favorite singer-songwriter to put on a private performance, the sky is the limit with virtual concerts. The musicians don’t need to be in the same city — or even continent — which opens up so many possibilities, especially to close out a conference in a joyful way.

Virtual Chocolate and Wine Tasting

Wine glass and laptop in New York, NY

Chocolate and wine is one of those classic pairings that will surprise and delight your conference attendees — and their taste buds. Chocolate Noise sends each person three delicious artisanal chocolate bars and three high-end wines to match. Then sit back and relax as one of our chocolate experts guides you through a deliciously educating experience. You’ll learn how to pair wine with chocolate (as well as how to pair other foods and beverages), the stories behind the bars and bottles, and have fun with other conference-goers in a fun, laidback environment perfect for hanging out during happy hour after a long day of hard work. There’s a reason these special events are featured on TeamBuilding.com’s list of the best virtual chocolate tastings!